Sunday, March 4, 2007

Playing Nurse

Hubby came home from work last night with the flu. He was chilled, achy, and sick to his stomach. He didn't feel any better today, but he went into work anyway. I tried to convince him to come home early, but he said that everyone else at work was sick, and somebody had to work. While I greatly admire and appreciate his tenacity, I still wish he'd just stayed home in bed.

I did everything I could for him, though. I bought medicine, cooked oatmeal, and made the bed. I brought him water, DVDs, and even the cell phone so he could get me if I was needed without having to get out of bed. I figured it was the least I could do. He was working awfully hard for us despite feeling awful.

Now if I can just keep the germs isolated to him so that Braeden & I don't get sick before our trip next weekend...

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